Be polite. Talk to adults, and use a calm tone of voice. Don't yell or act aggressively. Relax, smile, then talk.3
Be helpful. Offer to help an adult when they seem to need it such as helping a lady with her heavy bags, or opening doors for them.4
Remember to be courteous. Keep a smile on your face, always say good morning, thank you, and be very polite. If you bump into an adult by mistake, remember to say "Excuse me". Saying "Sir" or "Ma'am" always helps.5
Show your best humor. Don't act stuck-up or as if you're stressed. Leave all bad things on your pillows — out in the real world, you have to show a nice smile and good manners in front of adults.6
Be communicative. Make conversations with adults. Show that you care about how they feel. Talk about appropriate topics, such as current events [gas prices, an interesting topic on the news], or something as simple as the "crazy weather". Every time you see a familiar adult always say hi, Mr./Mrs."their name"; find out their preference, however, most adults prefer their last name. This will show that you are a friendly, nice person. Let adults perceive you in the right way.