beautiful as pregnancy is, it also carries with it certain
physiological and sometimes psychological challenges. Interestingly, Los
Angeles mother Lea-Ann Ellison has been not only staying active, but
continuing her intense CrossFit physical training regimen at 8 ½ months
of pregnancy.
expectant mother, who is undergoing her third pregnancy, defends her
decision, saying “that pregnancy is not an illness, but a time to relish
in your body’s capabilities to kick ass.”
She has received quite a bit of flak after the CrossFit program she participates posted a picture of her on their Facebook,
with some commenters accusing her of endangering her child. However,
supporters have leapt in to commend her decision, saying that fit
lifestyle is better for both mother and child and makes the delivery
easier on the mother. Ellison has been on the intense workout program
for about 2 years, which some commenters say may allow her body to cope
with the rigorous exercises more easily. What do you think?